John Orion stands in his apartment flat and helplessly watches the South Tower fall on September 11, 2001, which kills his wife in the collapse. As a CIA operative in the US Army, he is instantaneously summoned after the attacks to do his job. Missing out on Sarah’s funeral John must choose his work over family and serve his country. While collaborating in France, DST agent Tara Watts and German agent Gissler uncover documents connecting a Saudi Arabian Cell to suspicions of a False Flag incident on 9/11. Orion’s mission involves gathering intel on Al-Qaeda, and he discovers more proof of the direct involvement of the US and Saudi Arabia in setting up 9/11. under a series of aliases John and a group called Mockingbird Alliance covertly enter the US Government and take unauthorized actions known as extrajudicial measures for the 9/11 attacks.



Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. ~Rebuilding America’s Defenses