From Poetry to Fiction: Exploring the Transition in Writing Styles


Written by @RwhiteAuthor

In the realm of literature, writers often find themselves traversing diverse landscapes of creativity, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. This week I embarked on a journey of transformation—from the depths of poetic expression to the thrilling realms of urban fantasy and supernatural thrillers. Join me as I delve into the experience of switching gears from completing an epic collection of poetry to crafting a spellbinding novella like “Shadows of Allegiance.”

Transitioning Worlds:

Imagine immersing yourself in the symphony of nature and inner turmoil, navigating through the tumultuous waves of emotion and serene landscapes of poetry. Such was the journey through the human soul and the natural world in my previous endeavor. Yet, as writers, we are bound by an insatiable curiosity to explore new horizons.

Enter “Shadows of Allegiance,” an urban fantasy masterpiece set in the neon-lit streets of Boston and the shadowy realms beyond. Here, we follow the gripping tale of Kage, a celestial being entwined with human and demon, and Tilly, an EMT bound by a bond of friendship and a special connection. As they navigate through the confines of the Emerald City EMS agency, their journey unfolds with twists, turns, and unexpected revelations, blurring the boundaries between the mortal realm and the divine.

Embracing the Shift:

The transition from poetry to prose is akin to traversing through parallel dimensions of creativity. While poetry often dwells in the realms of emotions and imagery, urban fantasy demands a narrative that intertwines elements of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural. This shift requires a recalibration of artistic sensibilities, a departure from the concise elegance of verse to the immersive complexity of storytelling.

In “Shadows of Allegiance,” I embark on a quest for truth and justice, where friendship and sacrifice intertwine with the shadows of the past. Here, the journey is not merely about crafting words but conjuring entire worlds, where characters breathe life into the pages and readers are transported to realms both familiar and fantastical.

Lessons Learned:

As writers, every transition offers invaluable lessons and insights. From the discipline of structure to the freedom of imagination, each genre presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. The journey from poetry to urban fantasy underscores the versatility of creative expression and the boundless possibilities of storytelling.


In the ever-evolving landscape of literature, the journey from poetry to prose is a testament to the endless exploration of my creativity. Whether traversing the depths of the human soul or venturing into the realms of the supernatural, each endeavor leaves an indelible mark on the writer’s craft. So, join me as I embrace the shifting tides of inspiration and embark on new adventures, pen in hand, ready to unlock the secrets of imagination.

Join me in the world of “Shadows of Allegiance,” where poetry meets fiction, and the ordinary intertwines with the extraordinary. Dare to step beyond the confines of the known and embark on a journey of discovery, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur and the shadows reveal their allegiance.

So now, as I embark on this new chapter of writing, I invite you, dear reader, to join me in the conversation. Share your thoughts, your stories, your musings—let’s journey together through the realms of imagination and reflection. After all, it’s the connections we forge and the stories we share that make this journey worthwhile.

I eagerly await your comments, your insights, and your perspectives. Together, let’s make this space a sanctuary for all who seek solace, inspiration, and the joy of shared discovery.


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